Saturday, April 4, 2020

Childhood to adulthood 🥀

Every person have the different impact on our lives. Some gives us the good memories to cherish, some gives the rollercoaster experience and some gives the true fake impressions. 
But she's is a bad bitch , she's something which leaves the mark wherever she ride. 
She taught me as being my girl best friend "The Girly Stuff". 

Words from my heart for her - 
She's reserved but she's powerful too,
She's Rebel but she's unapologetically wild too,
She's rude but she's understanding too,
She smiles but she cry too,
She love but hate too,
She forget you but she'll remember too,
She's foody but she can feed animals too,
She have the decisions power but she can respect others decision's too,
She too thinks for people but she'll never give a fuck about when it comes to her own love, 
She's glam when perform but trust me she's even more beautiful when she wears pajama & eat golgappa's,
She think sometimes that I'll loose this friendship but I hope she knows that there are few people in my life who are precious for me. 

You're my fam gem. Like I was completely lost in this beautiful city but when I met you , it was something like you came , we discovered the friendship, we build this, we grow this together, we learned, we studied, we played, we danced, we walked, we ran, we eat, we cried, we laughed, we ride, we shopped, we failed, we found the meaning ,Woah! Bingo ! 
 See, Now we are at the stage to remember all these and thanks to each other that we're so much passionate and take our life on a track ..
History created anyways and so this 2020 is doing , I know you're aware on this hot word #Qurantine nowadays. Like see I know all are thinking that they are in the cage called as "Home"but hey girl think how beautiful it is for you. "Human Soul needs an alone environment sometime" , and here is the opportunity Babe , you can do whatever you decide for your own self. To the sunrise from your roof,
To saying bye to sunset,
To cooking , to dancing, to listening soft music, to write something, to watch a good movie, to do a photoshoot by self, to receive wishes from everyone and to re read some special messages again & again, To spend time with yourself....
    See, how impeccable imperfectly perfect your Birthday will be and you'll remember or cherish for sure. 
Really some people are meant to stay and you're one of them in my life. I can count this friendship although I know our thoughts doesn't match, our choises does not similar, our personality doesn't match, our food habits are quite different, our socializing with people are versatile , we have different opinions, judgements but that's called science which says
 " Two different Magnets intersect each other" and here it is called as "WE"! 

On your Auspicious Day , on behalf of me, Many thanks to you for being my Best friend forever, for always be myside, for always saying that go with the flow, for never judge me, for never saying me that how horrible I look when I'm in my pajamas, for always appreciate me whenever I learn something new, for always supports my environment & the people whom I am with, for being my advisor, for never hesitating in asking anything, for our weird I Hate You symbol, for always being real with me rather everywhere, for always give me the preference over others and for always hate me more & more & more.

I hope you know everyone is not much important for me. Whomsoever come in our life creates a beautiful impact if they really mean for us. People like you and Bndr are rare to get and blessed to keep.
And on any circumstances , on any conditions , I'll stick by this friendship no matter what and will proof that some people are really meant to stay.....

Well This is my first ever Blog and which is totally dedicated to my Beautiful Bitch whom I want to say "I don't write for everybody"!

Hey Niharika , 
If the people are yours ,they will be there for you . 
Happiest Birthday Mona,
   .........................................I HATE YOU ♥️